SUFC set piece taker :
Left corner: Zulw RM
Right corner: Hafiy LM
Free kick: ~sapa kana tackle, ia mengambil free kick 2~
Penalty kick: ~sapa kana tackle, ia mengambil penalty kick 2~
Captain for the memorial cup or 29/12/08 is Zulw RM,assistant captain is Wafiy CM.
On that day there will have prizes such as the winner(champion),runners up and man of the match. The man of the match will be judged. By the way,to the players, the referees are pro,so play fair and have some fun!!!!
OOOO......I forgot to tell you that this is SUFC's debut........Hope we(SUFC) win our debut match/cup match..........
~if u can't see the starting 11 clearly,just click it~