Wednesday 29 July 2009


Since suFC has many players. I'm gonna group them into three :
su-Samba , su-Janeiro , su- Basco

captain: #21 Wee
#2 Wan
#5 Hamizan
#3 Fareedzul
#14 Hamiz
#18 Faris
#23 Hadi Haseri
#28 Wafiy Hidayat
#6 Aniq

captain: #31 Zulwaqar
#1 Rappa
#4 Haji
#15 Bazzlee
#12 Afeeq
#16 Krol Jazimin
#8 Ewan
#27 Hafiy
#80 Krol

captain: #24 Hazeeq Bahrin
#41 Syafiq Zulkipli
#7 Izzat
#10 Afiq
#11 Abd Waie
#9 Amet
#17 Waqi
#29 Izzuddin
#92 Hanif Muqri

btw if you're an ivalice player, sorry that I followed ivalice's blog about the divided teams...sorry ahh

ps ; it's for training
-posted by Zulwaqar-


To voters who vote, i say THANKS FOR VOTING. Last few weeks we polled "who should be our asisstant captain?" and "who is the best in the suFC classic squad??"
The results have come!
The best player in the suFC classic squad is our top scorer HAZEEQ BAHRIN. haha nice job zeeq! and the asisstant captain will be HAZEEQ BAHRIN too... DAMN, sapa sja vote ia ne??
Hazeeq will be Zulwaqar's asisstant ... xP hahaha

-posted by Zulwaqar-


this Friday, 31 July 2009, will be our final match before exams start. we will face RIP FC for the 3rd time. maybe, insyaallah our next match will be n the beginning of October that is after puasa. suFC will be free in December. Hope you guys come for our last game !

Sunday 26 July 2009


To all suFC players , we're gonna make a new kit for the team.
All the three kit suggestions were posted by Zulwaqar. He picked all. hahaha

adidas toque

Friday 24 July 2009

so long HAJI~~

Haji Neff played his first and last game for suFC today. Haji Neff quited suFC and joined PDR tdi.


a marvelous victory

SMILE... From L below corner to L side: Hafiy,Krol, Ewan Salim,Bazzlee,Zulw and Haji NeffDisscussing about the 2nd Half strategy... From L to R: Ewan Salim,Bazzlee [center] ,Zulw, Haji Neff,Hafiy and KrolCelebrations for suFC when Captain Zulw seal a win for suFC [13-5[when Zulw score]]in the 1st half was so exhausting
Captain Zulw led a great squad of Solar United Futsal team when they beat Silverines 18-11
i the 1st half,suFC led by 6 goals to 4. In the first 10 minutes suFC led by 3-0 but Silverines came back by leading 4-3

In the 2nd Half,all the suFC team talk work when suFC crush Silverines by 12 goals in the 2nd half. However Silverines manage to score 7 goals in the 2nd half

Hj Neff ,who we PINJAM KAJAP, score a magnificient 4 goals in his debut. He score an own-goal too. Meanwhile Bazzlee ,Ewan Salim and another new signing Krol Jazimin also manage to score plenty of goals in the match. Bazzlee with 2 goals by dribbling from the suFC goal post to Silverines' goal, Ewan Salim also score twice with 2 long range shots and Krol Jazimin that scored 5 goals made him the man-of-the-match in his debut for suFC. Meanwhile Amirzul Hafiy scored a hatrick that earned him in the topscorer sheet for suFC . He scored an overall 5 goals in his career at suFC. Captain Zulw manage to score 2 goals that earned him to beat top leading score Hazeeq Bahrin. The Captain now scored 7 goals for his long career in the suFC captain armband and suFC jersey.


Thursday 23 July 2009


yahoo... we officially have a goalie..
he's from PDS year 10
he's name is Rapp E. Aqwa xP
his debut and tryout for suFC will be NEXT FRIDAY AGAINST A NON-LOSING SIDE R.I.P FC
now he wears the no.1 jersey for suFC
Rapp E. Aqwa is for 3.2 m

Wednesday 22 July 2009


Tommorrow, SUFC vs Silverines FC at Pdg Futsal Kebajikan pukul 3pm-5pm

Hope you guys datang ....

Hope we win ...



yesterday[21th July],we have signed 3 new players
damn...we spent 20m+ yesterday xP
the other 3 are from Kamppong Keriam [ K.K ]

according to signings yesterday:
[1] Muhammad Bazli a.k.a Bazzlee from K.K for 5.6 m
[2Ewan "rapper" Salim from K.K for 5.8 m
[3] Fareedzul a.k.a Bibi from K.K for 4.9 m

Saturday 18 July 2009

new signings

early this evening,we have signed Hadi Haseri from Finisher Fc for 2.8 million
he plays up-foward and middle
he's right footed and a Liverpool fan~~bidaa~~
haha xP


Friday 17 July 2009

potential success

know the meaning of potential??

in the morning:
Hazeeq said his gonna beat Zulwaqar leading score that is 5 goals...hahha i wouldn't happen anyways xD

Aniq,Afiq and Hamizan couldn't come because of some family gatherings
meanwhile Faris also couldn't come because of fever

RIP FC came early and told us that the field was taken by two other teams that are Maktab Sains Year 7 2009 and a Mulaut FOM 4 team
We SUFC and RIPFC decided to join MS
in the end we lost 5-1
ain't our fault

5vs 5
SUFC- Zulwaqar,Hazeeq,Hafiy,Wee and Abd Waie

(0') Hazeeq SUFC[0-1]
(12') RIP player[1-1]
(15') Bahrie RIP[2-1]
(18')Hazeeq SUFC[2-2]
(19')Hanif RIP[3-2]
(21')RIP player[4-2]
(24')Abd Waie SUFC~assisted by Zulwaqar[4-3]
(26')Hazeeq SUFC[4-4]
(30' + added minute) Wee[4-5]

What a comeback by of the match: Hazeeq Hj Bahrin

the first away win for SUFC


Thursday 16 July 2009

SUFC signings 2006-2009

Zulwaqar - signed on January 2006 - 3.3 million
Wafiy - signed on February 2008 - 1.7 million
Hafiy - signed on February 2008 - 1.2 million
Abd Waie - signed on November 2006 - 1 million
Ak Ammarafiq - signed on October 2008 - 3.2 million
Ak Ammaraniq - signed on October 2008 - 2.3 million
Hamizan - signed on October 2008 - 2.4 million
Wan - signed on October 2008 - 0.9 million
Wee Mitdihe - signed on April 2008 - 2.8 million
Hazeeq - signed on January 2008 - 3.1 million
Ezzad - signed on January 2006 - 3.9 million
Hamiz - signed on November 2008 - 3.3 million
Syafiq Zulkipli - signed on April 2008 - 1.2 million
Faris - signed on May 2009 - 1.6 million
Waqiuddin - signed on May 2009 - 1.6 million
Amet - signed on June 2009 - 3.3 million
Iwan Bagal - signed on June 2008 - 1.7 million
Izzuddin - signed on June 2009 - UNDISCLOSED FEE
Asrul - signed on July 2009 - UNDISCLOSED FEE
Atiq - signed on October 2008 - 0.1 million
Iwan - signed on January 2006 - 0.2 million

an important "rematch" match

17th July 2009

SUFC vs RIP FC(rematch)

Last match (RIP FC 5-3 SUFC)

Hope we win tomorrow,and hope u guys SUFC dtng and torn RIP FC appart tomorrow...and Hope H1N1 makin kurang di Brunei Darussalam...AMIN



List of players(July 2009):

20 players:

Zulwaqar - cmf,st,cdf - captain
Wafiy hidayat - st,mf
Amirzul Hafiy - wing
Abd Waie - wing~back
Ak Ammarafiq - st
Ak Ammaraniq - gk,def
Hamizan - def,mf
Wan - def
Ahmad Waie a.k.a Wee - amf,cmf - assistant captain
Haziq Hj Bahrin - st,mf,df
Izzat Izzuddin - st,wing
Hamiz - def
new "MARCH-JUNE" signing:
Ak Ammaratiq - sub~~ ball boy~~cameraBoy
Syafiq Zulkipli - sub~~
Faris - def
Waqiuddin - def
Amet - gk,wingback
Iwan - sub~~ ball boy
Iwan Bagal - gk,wing
Arsyol - st,wing
Izzuddin - st

formation 4-4-2:
Ak Ammaraniq

Amet Hamizan Hamiz Abd Waie

Amirzul Hafiy Wee Zulw (Captain)

Hazeeq Izzuddin

Subtitutions: Izzat Izuddin, Wafiy Hidayat, Waqiuddin, Faris, Iwan Bagal
Reserves: wan,Iwan, Syafiq Zulkipli,Arsyol,Ak Ammaratiq

N/A ground: Pdng Mata2