Friday 10 December 2010

Goals galore!

First of all, I want to thank Silverines and a few Ivalice players for coming yesterday, although they didn't have enough players :) but thanks for coming!

Our second match of 2010 was played at Padang Mata-Mata against our MS Rivals, Silverines. Some Ivalice players also helped the Silverines.

SUFC who came; Zulwaqar, Hafiy, Zeeke, Bazli, Ewan, Ameerul, Rahim, Rizzee, Hamiz, Fareedzul, Aniq, Zahin. with a lil' help from WafiJaafar and Zulfadhli Ibnu. Thanks for coming guys :D

match report:

The match started with an early opening goal from SUFC. Zulfadhli Ibnu long shot bounced in front of the Silverines goalkeeper and then went straight in. 1-0

Zulwaqar short pass to Bazli; then, he dribbled the ball passed 2 defender and released a left-footed effort that turned into a goal. 2-0

Bazli didn't stop there! He combined with Zulwaqar and when he was inside the Silverines penalty box, he made a low shot and tripled SUFC lead. 3-0

Substitued defensive-midfielder, Hamiz, made it 4-0 just before half time.

HT SUFC 4-0 Silverines

2nd half started when Silverines got through the SUFC defence, but SUFC's goalkeeper, Aniq, made incredible saves!

From a Bazli pass, Fareedzul unleash a low shot to make it 5-0.

2 minutes later, Ameerul made it 6-0. The supplier was, again, Bazli.

Bazli got his hat-trick when he teamwork-ed with winger, Ewan.7-0

Ameerul's through passed to Zeeke and he made the scoreline 8-0.

back at the defence, they were keen for a cleansheet; but Aniq made a 'Robert Green' error. No cleansheet for SUFC. 8-1

Bazli made an SUFC record, when he scored 4 goals in a match! 9-1

Rahim, an SUFC Tutong Powers player, made it 10-1 minutes later.

Ameerul passed to Rizze and he blasted from close range to make 11-1.

Bazli chould've scored 5 goals, but his shot was wide.

WafiJaafar scored from a long pass by skipper, Zulwaqar. 12-1

Rahim scored his second goal from an Ewan cross. 13-1

Ameerul also scored his second goal from a well-timed pass by Fareedzul. 14-1

a few seconds from the Silverines kick-off, SUFC pressured and Zulwaqar made an individual run to score and made the scoreline 15-1.

and again, SUFC pressured the Silverines' defence when Ewan dribbled the ball at right wing and his shot went into the net. His shot was the last kick of the game. 16-1

This big win is an SUFC record!

and again, thanks for coming guys :) including you Silverines, and Ivalice!


Friday 3 December 2010


so, only 4 Ayam Crew FC players came. such a waste of time. Therefore, SUFC vs ACFC match cancelled.

but, we played a match between SU-Tutong Powers against SU-Basco+Samba.

It ended a win to SU-Tutong Powers with 5 goals to 2.

Scorers for SU-Tutong Powers were Bazli, Fareedzul, Ewan Salim, Mirul and Angih. Bazli got a hattrick of assists.

while the scorers for the other team were goalie, Zahin Syafiq (who played up front) and skipper, Zulwaqar.

let's just hope the next team we face won't do the same thing like ACFC did.

Sunday 5 September 2010

2nd 2010 match

It is confirm that we will play against AyamCrew FC as a friendly match on Friday the 3rd of December from 3 to 5pm at Padang Mata-Mata.

Sunday 29 August 2010

dividing players

I've done this before but I wanted to do a new one. so yeah

SU-Basco: Zulwaqar Soffian, Amirzul Hafiy, Aniq Pg Omar, Hamizan Zaini, Syafiq Zulkefli, Hanif Muqri, Abd Waie Hj Hafiy

SU-Samba: Zeeke Bahrin, Naif Othman, Syed Azim, Nabawie Zainal, Zahin Syafiq, Afeeq Aliuddin, Wee Mitdihe

SU-Tutong Powers: Bazli Hj Bahrin, Fareedzul Shafiee, Izzat Izzuddin, Hamiz Sahari, Khairul Jazimin, Ewan Salim, Wafiy Hidayat Anuar

I think I'm gonna make a futsal tournament for these SUFC team only. sees whos the best. hahaa!

Thursday 26 August 2010



sorry for not updating the blog. Been busy lately. so yeah, Selamat Berpuasa kepada umat Islam sekalian.

yeah, theres this team, Ayam Crew FC wants a friendly with us most probably after their exams in November. TO BE CONFIRMED

our second match will be, insyallah, will be after the 3rd term holidays. puas-puas tah beraya during the holiday. I've thinking of having a friendly with the form 2 SMSS team. I forgot their name :p haha!

yeah, thats all! happy fasting everybodaaaay!

Monday 28 June 2010



Rize and Hafiy big brother, Nizam broke SUFC history record by scoring 2 goals past PDR in the first 20 mins ( 2-0 SUFC ). PDR made a comeback by scoring 2 unlikely good goals from Zulazri and Wafi Ja'afar. As the time get nears to half time, SUFC took the lead from Nabawie. Half Time 3-2 SUFC.

SUFC started the 2nd half with a formation that had PDR easily broke the the SUFC defence. but soon later, Bazli entered the field by scoring a marvelous goal. the celebration was a good one too. but soon after that, PDR made another comeback again from Rafie, Aziz and Bahrie with the winner. Full time 5-4 PDR.

goals report:

1st 3 SUFC goals was made from errors of PDR keeper. 1st goal, Rize tried a shot from outside the box and scored. The PDR keeper caught the ball but suddenly drop the ball back into the net.

2nd goal was from Nizam ( Hafiy big brother ). His goal was like Clint Dempsey's goal against England in the world. turn and turn and turn. and finally took a shot that left the ball flew away to the net from PDR keeper's hand after catching it. 2-0 SUFC

minutes later, Captain Zulwaqar's goalkick was to short that cause a difficulty to SUFC defence as the ball was kick away to PDR winger Zulazri. He solo-ed the ball through the SUFC back four and his well-time low shot made into a goal.

soon after that, PDR was awarded a corner kick. The ball was crossed to unmarked PDR defender Wafi Ja'afar. He headed it low to make the scores level. 2-2

just before half time, Nizam through passed to unmarked Nabawie. He converted the ball through the legs of PDR keeper and took SUFC one goal ahead. 3-2 Half time

As Bazli entered the field, SUFC playing style changed when he scored a wonder goal. Solo-ed from the left side and passed 1-2 with Nabawie and the ball was just passing by the PDR keeper's hands. 2 goals advantage to SUFC. 4-2

PDR made a comeback from Rafie Haji Balim. SUFC keeper Zahin caught the ball but then Rafie pushed Zahin inside the net but the goal was awarded.

Zulazri of PDR tried to cross the ball but SUFC defender, Hafiy's hand block it inside the SUFC box. a penalty to PDR. Aziz took it. shot in the middle.. and a save by Zahin. but it was reflected back to Aziz as he made the scores level. 4-4

Just minutes away from Full time, Bahrie scored a header from Aziz's cross. 5-4 PDR

Saturday 29 May 2010

1st match CONFIRM!

it looks like our first match of 2010 is gonna be a clash with our big-time rivals, PDR!

maybe its on the 25th june, in the afternoon 3-5.30 pm. most probably the venue will be at padang mata-mata.

Thursday 20 May 2010

jersey suggestion

i saw this cool jersey. suggestion saja :b kalau mau. macam arsenal punya home kit but ani all white and lines nya warna gold. $18 or $20 kah tu. lupa ku, tarus benumber and socks. di kashful kiulap. limit for a team 20 jersey saja. so mau atau inda? vote rah poll or tell me saja.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

1st match of 2010

I've just "runding" with the Silverines FC. THIS WILL BE OUR FIRST MATCH OF 2010. the match will be on


*changes will be updated soon*


full kit - suggestion

this is the full kit jersey of ADIDAS AUTHENO!
i'll try to find it in Brunei. hopefully ada :D